Alienware, a brand under Dell, has announced the launch of its latest gaming monitor, the AW2725Q. This new 27-inch model features a QD-OLED panel with a resolution of 4K and a refresh rate of 360Hz. The device also boasts an excellent color accuracy with Delta E less than 2 and support for AMD FreeSync Premium Pro and VESA AdaptiveSync.
The AW2725Q incorporates Alienware's signature design language with its distinctive "AW30" aesthetics. The monitor is available in the striking "interstellar blue" color and features an improved cable management system and base design to maximize space efficiency. It also includes creator mode that allows users to switch between different color spaces and adjust gamma settings according to their preferences.
To ensure long-term performance and visual quality, the AW2725Q incorporates enhanced AI algorithms that prevent image retention issues commonly experienced in other monitors. Additionally, it comes equipped with aging-resistant graphite panels as an additional measure against ghosting effects.
The Alienware AW2725Q gaming monitor will be available for purchase in China on January 22nd,and it will be launched in North America and Japan on March 1st with a price tag of USD899.99。The device will then hit European,Middle Eastern and African markets on April lst。